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How Search Engines Work

We are sure our past blogs would have helped you understand What is SEO and what are different SEO Techniques that you can implement to rank your website higher. Now, let us give you a brief insight about how exactly search engines work.

It is very important to understand how search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing work, in order to make best use of them in developing your business. Basically search engines work with a variety of different algorithms that are referred as “Spiders” that search or in SEO terminology “Crawl” the web for sites that are appropriate to specific keywords searched by a user. The vital or key point you need to understand here is that search engines are not humans, they don’t go after cool looks or sounds and movements, they are basically text-driven. Search engines crawl the web, looking at text mainly, to find out what your site is all about. But this is not enough to rank your website, few more details are required and here we’ll be discussing few really important points:

  1. The spiders or bots of search engines are supposed to go out to the World Wide Web to look for new sites to rank them. Once you have uploaded your site, these spiders will rank it according to the different algorithms.
  2. The spider looks for important details on your site, such as: keywords used in the content of your webpage, the quality of content your offer to your consumer and what keywords are best suited for your content.
  3. All this information or details are then stored in what is called as index. This index acts as a huge file cabinet which stores folders of every website present on internet.
  4. As soon as a person types a search term be it a keyword or phrase in a search engine, the engine will go to its index, it then locates all the sites that may match the search term, your website will also be located and displayed by on the SERP or Search Engine Ranking Page.
  5. The order of the websites on SERP depends on how the search engine judge your website in terms of quality. The higher the quality of the content on your webpage or higher the value you provide to your customers, the higher you’ll rank in SERP.

So, in short the two extremely important factors that will possibly project you up the search engine rankings are quality content and apt keywords. Thus, it is very important that you do your keyword research properly or choose an Experienced SEO Expert to do it for you.

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