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Wondering How To Make Your On-page SEO Rock? Read This!

One of the fundamental aspects of internet marketing is SEO. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a process which can be used to help your web pages to rank higher in the organic search engine results. There are several aspects of SEO, out of which on page SEO plays a very important role in optimizing the website and making it search engine friendly.

Now, what is On-page SEO, and why is on-page SEO important for any website?

On page SEO is everything that you can do ON your web page to make it a favourite of the web spiders. Some of the important factors of on-page SEO include technical codes, informative content and more relevant links.

After knowing what is on page SEO, you must got an idea of why it is important for any website, Right?

It’s simply important to make website Search Engine Friendly and achieve organic search engine ranking which leads to traffic and sales which is very important for any business.

Handle Every on page SEO Challenge with Ease Using These Tips

Responsive Website

Users in the age of internet have very little patience for a website which does not have a good interactive feature. Responsive website design is regarded as the fundamental indicator of how easy and convenient a user finds a particular website to use and navigate. Apart from responsive website design for the desktop, it is important to have a mobile responsive design as a huge chunk of consumers nowadays prefer to browse the internet from their smart phones.

 Title Tag Optimization

Title tags appear in the header section of the website and serve the purpose of telling people what your website is all about. It plays a crucial role in determining whether a person would click on the website or not. Best Title tag is the one which includes keyword in it and it should not be more that 60-80 characters.meta title length

Meta tag Optimization

Small snippets of text which appears in the main body of the article are displayed as Meta tags in the search result. This one liner plays an important role in helping a user decide whether they wish to click on your website link or simply wishes to bypass it. Make your Meta tags are descriptive and relevant, if you wish to attract more visitors to your site and at the same time assure that it should not exceed from 180 characters and should include targeted keywords in the description.

Image Optimization

A picture is worth a thousand words and it holds true for search engine optimization. You can spice up your content with graphic illustrations, pictures, and even videos to rank higher in the search engine result and provide better user experience to your visitors.

Also, make sure to add ALT tag which is an alternate test for images as search engines don’t read images.Alt Tag implementation

Heading Tag Optimization

Heading tags are determined as H1, H2 and upto H6 where search engine gives priority to heading tags into their order like H1 tag is more important than h2 tag and so on… Heading tags also make content easy for users.

Including Keywords into the Heading tag adds more value and so it helps in improving the ranking of website for those keywords.

Therefore always Try to add keywords into the Heading tags.

Internal Linking

Internal linking is an mechanism, by which you can link the source page with other pages on the same website. Internal linking helps a website to rank higher in the search engine result by providing Search Engine Spiders an option of indexing other pages of the website, which in turn helps to improve the ranking of the website for certain keywords.White Label Web Development

URL Optimization

The URL is your address among millions of websites on the web. If you really wish to stand out, it is important that you create a URL which is relevant and easy to understand both by humans as well as by search engines.

Using Static URL with Keywords in it is always beneficial for search engines to rank the page and for users to click on the link from search results.


Content Optimization

Content optimization plays a big role in helping the search engine to optimize your website as per relevant keywords. All content in terms of video, images or text is included within the periphery of content optimization.

Make sure to maintain Keywords Density in the content of the website and try to use targeted keywords at the starting paragraphs for better results.

Bold, Italic & Underline Tags

Have you ever thought about using Italics, Underlines and Bold characters in your website page or blog. Such kind of highlighting words could grab the attention of readers and the best part is that you could use it for displaying the subheading and keywords. Search Engines also give importance to Bold, Italic and Underlined words as compared to the normal text. So, make sure to use your keywords with these tags.

Keywords Density Check

Keyword density no longer plays a very vital role in determining your on-page optimization results. However, their importance cannot be ignored totally. If you really wish to reap any benefit from keyword density make sure you pay more importance to keyword placement than on density. Create longer tailed keywords to achieve higher ranking in search engine results.keyword density

Google Analytics:

As they say “if you can measure it – you can improve it”. Google analytics play a big role in letting a website owner know about the amount of traffic coming to his website.  Depending on the results one can modify his content to make them more users friendly.

It is important to add Google Analytics code while website development.

Google Webmaster Console Set-up

Google Webmaster console set-up is a collection of resources and tools which are designed to help the web developers and web marketers to monitor the performance of the website. This tool provides information regarding traffic, technical status and crawl data updates which can help the owners to restructure their websites in a better way.

Rich Snippet

Rich snippets are described as concise answers which are displayed at the top of the search page for certain search queries. Rich snippets, of course, aren’t a necessity for the website, however, they can help you to get good visibility and boost the traffic flow to your website.

Final Thoughts

In the past, Onsite SEO was synonymously related to keywords. However, now the focus is more on providing a good user experience along with relevant content.

At F5buddy, we understand the importance of comprehensive user experience and Search Engine Friendliness.  So, if you want your website to be both user-friendly and Search Engine Friendly then contact us now and we will help you to achieve your goals.

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