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What Kind of Changes Block Editor Has to Offer?

What Kind of Changes Block Editor Has to Offer?

Block editor known as Gutenberg in WordPress is an influential change in it. It has a lot to offer and has cut down the amount of efforts while working in WordPress. Since the change has updated, people generally have queries regarding using it. We are here to describe a comprehensive way of how Gutenberg block editor can be used.

The tool is mostly used for creating the WordPress content, hence, these descriptive algos will make us masters in creating visually influential and impressive pages, blogs and posts. Block Editor uses wholly different approach which involves with the use of blocks.

Also Read: How to Use Block Editor in Woocommerce”

In this, blocks will be the elements of content that user want to add for creating content layouts. Every item, they are adding to the post will be a block. We can simply add blocks for each images, paragraphs, galleries, videos, lists, audio and many more. There are blog for every kind of content and if in case we want to add more we can then use WordPress plugins.

WordPress block editor also offers simple way for adding various content types to our pages and posts. With the help of this new editor, we can add table block along with selecting rows and columns while starting adding the content. We also can move the content up or down, meanwhile editing them as some individual blocks. This is enough to create a content that can be termed to be media-rich. The best part about this tool is, it is easily doable and learnable both at the same time.

Block editor is outlined for being flexible and intuitive. Though, it sees different but still features everything we could do in that classic editor. When we will create the new page or blog post by using the tool, just click on the option Post, then go to New Menu in WordPress admin. For creating the new page just go to pages and add the new menu.

While we are working with the blocks in New Editor we will have different toolbar for different blocks, which will appear right on the top of these. The type of buttons shown on the toolbars depends on what kind of block we are editing.

Besides the toolbar, every block owns a block setting that would appear right side at the column of screen edit. We can move the blocks and simply drag and drop by clicking on the buttons, shown next to every block. We are also blesses with the option of reusing and saving he blocks in Gutenberg, which are undoubtedly the best things about the blocks that would be reused and saved independently.

This feature notably helps all those bloggers who commonly add precise content details into their articles. So, just go to the menu given at each blocks’ toolbar’s right corner. And from there select the option ‘Add to reusable blocks’. We will also have the choice of naming it before saving it. So, name it and then save it and now our block editor will save our created block in the form of reusable block. After saving a block, we can add more blocks into the WordPress pages and posts on our site.

After editing and saving our reusable block we can add to wherever we want, all we need to do is just go through the post edit screen and from there click on the button “add block”. We would get to find our saved block under the tab named ‘Reusable’. Apart from that, we can also find it by typing the name on the search bar.

The above mentioned step will take us to block manager page, from where we can delete or edit any reusable block. We can also export the reusable blocks and then use them on several WordPress websites.

Gutenberg block editor also has options for managing as well as publishing because it knows how each WordPress post carries countless metadata. This involves with the information such as the publishing date, tags and categories along with featured images and many other things. All the options will be shown neatly at the right side of the column on editor screen.

Gutenberg block editor offers plugin options with the help of which we can easily take the advantage of block editor’s API for integrating its own settings lying with in editing the screen. Few prominent plugins will be there already available in the form of blocks. Such as, WPForms which is the best builder plugin allows the users for adding different forms into the content with the help of widget block.

Here are few things mentioned as what we can do in block editor to enhance the elegance:
  1. Adding the image exclusively in WordPress editor
  2. Adding link into new block Editor
  3. Adding image gallery in the Gutenberg

While using WordPress block editor, we will also have the opportunity of adding few more common blocks in it. Mostly, the new block editor is capable of doing almost everything, it is basically the quicker and easier way of making things more elegant.

So, this was all about the block editor, its features and uses.
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