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Useful WordPress Tips for Beginners

If you happen to be a first-time WordPress user, then the following tips will help you get the hang of it and see results faster:

  • Don’t use your sidebar as a closet: Stuffing your sidebars like that closet in your room is not going to get you anywhere. Just keep the bare essentials on it. Only keep the stuffs that are helping your business in some way or the other. Just go to Appearance & Widgets and remove the unnecessary stuff.
  • Make your library easily searchable: Just create one integrated folder for your Media Library. Put all the media related files in it. This will make searching items a lot easier. To search files by name, simply go to Settings & Media and uncheck the ‘Organize Files into Month’ option.
  • Clean up all the permalinks: The main purpose of creating compelling content is to make your content easily searchable on search engines. This can be achieved by making use of short road signs. One way to do that is to start using the built-in WordPress permalink field. Also, remove all the irrelevant words and use targeted keywords diligently.
  • Make use of footer area: This area can be utilized for the purpose of including copyright messages and other important information related to your website. You can also expand this section by using certain premium themes and turn them into a proper content section. It can then be utilized for including email list, links to popular pages, etc. The point is to provide your visitors with information related to the people behind the site and keep them engage.
  • Add Images to Get Attention: Not only can you use images to embellish your website, but play an important role in SEO as well. When you add an image to your website, simply add a targeted keyword as its title and alternate text field. This helps in the generation of little text. In case, the image is unavailable, the visitors will find the alternate tag in the image section. However, you need to provide proper title to the images, or else you will fail to achieve the purpose. Use keywords that tell a story and inform people what your site is all about.

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