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The Ultimate On-Page SEO Checklist To Improve Your Websites Visibility

On page SEO refers to the optimization of web pages on a website to increase organic traffic, and improve the ranking of Google’s search engine ranking pages or SERPs. In simple terms, it refers to everything you can modify or change on your website to achieve the same. Overall, it will help you in generating more sales leading to increased return on investment or ROI.

Why Is On-Page SEO Important?

Both On page and Off page SEO plays an important role in the growth of a website. On page SEO ensures your target audience finds you before finding your competitor, thereby meaning your search engine visibility is improved to a great extent. Also, it ensures search engines crawl, and index your website without any difficulty.

Today, we will talk about the meaning, importance, and On Page SEO checklist in detail. Till the end, you will get the exact idea to make your website much more visible, and accessible by users, and crawlers.

On Page SEO Checklist

Let’s move ahead, and talk about the only On page SEO checklist you would need to generate more organic traffic to your website with easy indexing by search engines. Make sure you do not miss out on any point mentioned in this list since it is crucial to achieving your targets.

Your Title Must Speak For Your Content

The most important On page SEO factor is the title of your content. Why? While crawling pages on the web, crawlers analyze the title to get an idea of the overall content. Your title should always include the main keywords used in your content. Also, it should instantly grab the attention of the user. To ensure that, understanding what your target audience search for is important.

Also, while writing your content give special attention to the headings.

Write Summary of Your Content in the Meta Description

A Meta description is a small paragraph helping the users in understanding what they can expect from a particular article. Your Meta description plays a huge role in deciding whether or not a user will click on the link, and read. Try to briefly explain your article content in the Meta description, and do not forget to mention important keywords.

Your First 200 WORDS MATTER!!

Crawlers get an idea through the first 200 words of your content. For making the process easier, you need to include your primary keywords in these 200 words i.e. at the beginning of the content. Other than that, make sure you use them in further subheadings. Also, include your keywords in the front while writing the title of your content.

Include Your Keywords in the URL

Crawlers often go through the URLs on the website to get an idea about the content on the pages. Including your primary keywords in the URL will make the process easier, and faster. Also, you will notice improved CTR once you do that. Also, for improving your ranking in search engines, make sure your URLs are as short as possible.

Set Up Google Analytics

Putting in efforts on your website is important but analyzing whether or not it is worth your time is crucial. Once you make certain modifications on your website, analyze the performance through this free tool offered by Google. Set up your analytics account and you’ll get access to the number of visitors on your site, and other important details including bounce rate, exit rate, etc. These details will help you in understanding the changes you need to make on certain web pages.

Include Primary and LSI Keywords in the Content

After the title, it is crucial to put your keywords at the beginning of your content or introductory paragraph. The frequency of keywords used depends upon the length of your article. For example, in a 500-word article, it is preferred to use the keyword at least thrice. With an increase in words, the use of keywords should increase as well. Also, never overuse your keywords since keyword stuffing to improve ranking often leads to website ban by Google. Now more than ever, Google is cautious about all the false practices used to increase traffic.

LSI keywords are similar keywords to your primary keywords. This ensures users, and search engines come across your content more easily. Also, it helps in making the content more reliable, and contextual. Therefore, the users searching for keywords somewhere close to the ones you used will find you without any difficulty.

Make It as Easy For the Users as Possible

What brings users back to a website? More than one factor decides whether or not a user had a good experience on your site. Firstly, your content should be easy to understand, and include everything your target audience could expect from you. Next, using technical jargon must be avoided since no one likes to search Google every once in a while to know the meaning of a term. Keep it as simple as possible for them.

The other important aspect is the loading speed of a website. Do all your pages load quickly? If not, what modifications can you make to ensure they do? See, no one likes to wait for pages to load. It takes a few seconds for a person to jump to the other website in case of a slow speed. Therefore, ensuring all your important pages appear on the web with a good Loading speed is the key to retaining visitors.

Next, your website’s design should be simple, and easy to understand. No one likes to browse through a website with a critical design that hardly gives an idea about the website. Try your best to give users everything in a glimpse since a few seconds will decide the time users will spend on your site.

Insert Internal and External Links in Your Content

To give your visitors an idea about other relevant pages on your website, you should insert internal links in your content. Once someone uses those links to explore other pages, this will increase the time spent on your website, thereby increasing the chances of conversion. Also, it makes it easy for crawlers to know about the available web pages for indexing.

Including external links in the content will create credibility since your content will have all the required references. Try to add links of genuine and well-known sources i.e. the websites that rank higher in search engines.

Creating a Robots.txt file Is Crucial

A Robots.txt file gives crawlers an idea about the web pages it must not crawl. By creating this file, you can prevent unnecessary web pages from being indexed. WordPress allows its users to generate the file but in case of a different CMS, you need to create it on your own. Having this file is essential even if you don’t plan on preventing search engines from getting access to certain pages.

Install Useful WordPress Plugins

WordPress is the top-recommended CMS used by the majority of website owners. The main reason behind its popularity is the ease of optimizing the website. WordPress includes several plugins that help website owners. One of the top plugins you must install is Yoast SEO. It ensures your content is SEO optimized and will appear in search results quickly.

Also Read: Top 6 SEO Plugin for WordPress Blog

Submit a Sitemap for Quick Indexing

Crawlers must get access to all the important pages on your website without any difficulty. They can do the same on their own but sitemaps ensure the same work is done rather quickly. A sitemap is the list of URLs of all important web pages that you wish to index. After generating, and submitting the sitemap, crawlers easily understand what appears on your website. The chances of missing important web pages are reduced. Also, the less important ones will be indexed after the important ones. Helping crawlers with this task will make your further tasks much easier.

Use Relevant Images and Add Suitable Alternative Attributes

Content can be made visually appealing by adding relevant images to it. After finishing the content make sure you add suitable images. Image alternative attribute is the text that appears with the images. This gives the users a better idea regarding the content. Do not forget to use your keywords in the ALT Attributes. This information is often used by crawlers to understand your content better. These little things ensure your content secures a good ranking of SERPs. Also, modify, and edit the images before uploading to ensure the loading speed is not affected.

A Strong CTA Is Essential

Once a visitor goes through your content, he should have a clear idea about what to do next. A strong Call-To-Action will provide him with the same idea. Make sure your user does not end up confused. If your main aim is to sell a product then add the “buy now” button in the end. Give the users the right direction, and they will surely go for it.

Can Search Engines Easily Crawl Your Web Pages?

More often than not, crawlers find it difficult to crawl through certain web pages due to the “no index” tag. Yes, you get the option of stopping crawlers from accessing your web pages. But if the important once do not get access, then that needs to be changed. To secure a good ranking, the first step is to ensure crawlers get easy access to the pages on your site.

Keyword Cannibalization Should Be Avoided

Let’s say there are two web pages with the same primary keyword. When crawlers crawl such web pages, they do not get a clear idea as to which web page represents the important information or what each of them is for. In such a scenario, none of the pages are given importance, and you might end up getting ranked lower. This is where good keyword research comes into the picture. Use similar keywords all over your content but using the same on two different pages must be avoided. Make a good list of all those keywords that are frequently searched by your target audience. Once you finish doing that, its time to sort them out, and use them in your content.

The Final Verdict

As discussed above, On page SEO plays an important role in ranking, and visibility of your website. Make sure you cover every point of the above On Page SEO checklist. Try your best to make the tasks of crawlers easier, and your pages will be quickly indexed. Your target audience is out there waiting to get in touch with what you offer. It is in your hands to create good quality, and an SEO-friendly website to ensure they get easy access to you. Also, make sure you keep on making improvements on your website as and when required. Providing good quality content and an easy-to-use website will make it easy for you to generate back links from trusted sources.

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