Meteor JavaScript
Meteor is word about which you must have come across in your astronomy class. According to that Meteor is a small body from outer space that enters the earth’s atmosphere, when it is heated to incandescence by friction and appears like a falling or shooting star. However, in this vast IT world Meteor JavaScript is a real time Web framework.
Meteor JavaScript is an open source JavaScript web application frame work. Basically, Meteor is an ultra-simple environment for building modern web applications. It helps in building high quality,fast;responsive and modern web apps in fraction of time hardly make any difference whether you are a beginner or expertise.
Advantages of Meteor JavaScript
- Same code can be used at client side and as well as at the server site as the app is purely in JavaScript. So, the database and APIs are available at both the ends.
- You write your templates and when data in database changes updating will be done automatically. It supports all languages.
- Need of loading your data from REST is not required anymore as there is a direct access to the database.
- Updating is done immediately no need of waiting for server any more so whenever you make a change, it updates immediately.
- Without disturbing your users who are connected with you app can be updated easily.
- User interface runs in browser however, sensitive code runs in privileged environment.
- Not restricted to any particular hosting provider, can access all code for the platform there’s node.js which is a program constructed on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime used for building, fast, scalable web applications. Just run this single command and compile your entire app.
- Swapping is possible due to Meteor, from mobile app to databases to microcontroller.
- You can use your favourite templates, testing or DOM framework as Meteors can inject code into client or server end.