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Magento eCommerce Personalization

Personalised eCommerce – The Advent

“Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.”
-Seth Godin

Buying is not just a need-based experience for today’s customers, it is an urge to stand out and apart from the crowd. This behaviour of the consumer has led to the birth of what we call Personalised eCommerce. The demand for personalised products has skyrocketed only recently and has led to a whole new ambit of opportunities in the field of eCommerce.

Product Personalization – The Consumer is the King

Product Personalization concerns itself with the specific products designed for a specific consumer group, or the addition of a design on a ready-made product. The latter is more popular when it comes to the consumer’s interests, and covers a wide range of consumables right from a pen to a sports vehicle.

The paradigm shift in the shaping of the needs of the consumer according to his personality and ideas is the major reason for the rise of this new face of eCommerce.

Several personalization software now enable the consumer to design his products himself, and places in his hand the power of altering the product as he wishes. 53% of the consumers, according to a survey, are grateful for the personalization service they are being provided by the retailers.

Why Online Product Personalization Is Here To Stay

Your consumers are watching this major transference in the market and they are in no way backing out from it. Some reasons why this trend won’t fade away soon are-

  • The consumer’s psychology kicks in with personalization, and he gets a sense of ownership with the products that were designed for him and him alone.
  • The consumer only sees a negligible difference in the general product and the personalised product, as there are numerous retailers that offer competitive rates for the same.
  • The experience is hassle-free, with the easy availability of customised products, and simple tools to tweak them.
  • There are a great many products that carry the potential of being customised, and so the field is limitless for experimentation.
  • Creativity wins when customised products are delivered along with quality.

It would never hurt your business to do what your customer wants. If he wants a Personalized eCommerce store, give him!

Personalised Marketing – Appear Smart

If your customer just bought a phone from your website, the next smartest thing would be to show him a cool phone cover, or any other accessory that might go with his mobile phone.

This smartness when unleashed through the eCommerce website, becomes Personalised Marketing.

Some ways to deliver this experience to your customer are-

1. Personalised Emails

Sending an email to your consumer post his first order will prove to be mutually beneficial to you and your consumer. The email can contain some more products that the customer is likely to take interest in based on his previous purchases, or interests.

2. Shopping cart recommendations

Recommending the consumer to add products to the shopping cart based on his interests is a sure shot way to sell more.

3. Recommending similar or related products on Products page

This tactic proves to be helpful for your consumer as he has to go no further to buy a product related to his previous purchases.

Magento eCommerce Personalisation

When it comes to customization and scalability, Magento eCommerce platform is adorned with the crown.

While Magento 1 required a bit of tweaking through coding in the development experience, the next in line, Magento 2 is a perfectly balanced platform if you are really not a programmer or a fan of one.

Magento 2 leverages the best UI/UX designs, and the most user-friendly interface. The platform tracks eCommerce trends and knows it well that Personalization is the key today. Stores that use Magento are in for the most handy marketing personalization tools.

  • Customer Segmentation by classifying the customer and handling each class differently.
  • Related Products recommendation to each classification of the consumers.
  • Relevant customised banners and price rules.
  • Third-party Integrations for anything that’s not already in the Magento store.
  • Advanced features like AI-driven segmentation allows for a more complex grouping of users.
  • Advanced Visitor Insights let you convert an interested person into a consumer of your product.

Personalise and market with context to get to the zenith of your eCommerce business.

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