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Cloud computing- Smart and User Friendly

In the world of IT, every few years a new concept is introduced and it emerges as being the next big leap in technology. One of the current themes which are a great leap is called “Cloud Computing”. When I hear this word for the very first time it was difficult for me to encase my mind with the concept behind it. The image that came into mind was of a cloud and then bunch of cloud. My mind was puzzled what it is going to do with computers?

Basically, Cloud computing means that instead of having resources located on your computer, laptop or tab, you can move them to a server that is mastered by a company. In order to access those resources you only require to link to the web and login with a username and password. Your email id is an example of cloud computing because these email accounts have their own dedicated servers from where everybody accesses their mail. Commonly cloud computing is used for keeping your documents, emails, music files and pictures.

Models of Cloud Computing

  • Software as a service (SaaS) : Software and its associated data are centrally hosted and are typically accessed over the internet using a browser. Dropbox is an example of it.
  • Platform as a service (PaaS) : It provides delivery of a computing platform and required solution to facilitate the deployment of applications without the investment in hardware and software for e.g.: Microsoft Azure.
  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) : It is a fully outsourced service as it allows clients to avoid the procurement of servers, software, data centre space and network equipment.

Advantages of Cloud Computing

  • It reduces load on local server or disk drive as there is no need of storing all files and programs on it.
  • Scalability and ease to access as individuals can access these services from all across the globe and from all types of devices computers, laptops, tablets or even Smartphones.
  • It stores all your contents including music, photos, apps, calendars, documents etc. and moreover you can wirelessly synchronize them to your devices.
  • Not only used for commercial purposes, however it is also used for everyday personal computing activities.

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